Very Important Updates
Below are the updates for the days: March 4, March 10, March 23
March 23
Attached is the agenda for tomorrow night's meeting and below are a few reminders and announcements. In addition, we've had some roster changes, so I have attached an updated Patrol Roster and Troop Contact List for your reference.
- Patrol Leaders Council Meeting: We have a PLC Meeting tomorrow night. PLC Members need to arrive early so that we can start promptly at 6:30pm. We will be meeting in the Pastor's Classroom (down the hall from the Youth Room on your right).
- Interpatrol Activity: We are going to attempt the Chain Gang Escape Relay again, so boys need to know their Square Knot, Clove Hitch, and Bowline Knot. Practice tonight if you have time. Attached are the rules if you want to review in advance of the game.
- Cooking Merit Badge: Your assignments, due Monday, March 24th, are to:
- Complete your “at home” and backpack menus and submit them to Dr. Cain( and Mrs. Glasgow ( either by email or by hard copy at the next meeting.
- with friends or family in addition to up-coming scout events. “At home” cooking must also be completed and reported in writing.
- Sustainability Merit Badge:Your assignments, due Monday, March 24th, are to:
- Complete the following requirements at home:
- 2a – water
- 2b/2c - energy
- For March 24: Bring in any item of food or drink
- Complete the following requirements at home:
- New Merit Badge Class: For those scouts not in the First Class Emphasis patrol or in the Sustainability Merit Badge Class, Mrs. Maria Muedas will be starting a Citizen in the Nation Merit Badge class (Eagle Required) on Monday, March 24th.
- Guest Speaker for New Scouts: Monday, March 24th. Mr. Bill Bailey of Cumberland Transit will be joining us to talk with the new scouts about the backpacking, camping, and the associated gear.
- Raccoon Mountain (April 12-13): If you are interested in going, please let Mr. Brad Dean ( know the following by Friday, March 28th:
- If you plan to go on the backpack (parent and scout)
- If you can drive
- If you can drive, how many passengers (excluding yourself and your son(s) you can take.
- Service Patrol: The Scorpions (Patrol Leader - William Todd) are the Service Patrol on March 24th.
March 10
- Boxwell: Attached is the current version of the Boxwell schedule. Please review carefully by Monday night to make sure your choices are listed correctly, and let me know if you have any changes. We will be registering all of the Troop 93 scouts for Boxwell this week.
- Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review: We have four scheduled (David Windley, William Smith, Tyler Shiflett, and Luke Boyer). Scouts need to remember to wear their full Class A uniform.
- New Scouts: We will be conducting the Physical Fitness Test tomorrow night, which is Tenderfoot requirement 10a.
- Cooking Merit Badge: Your assignment, due Monday, March 10th, is to:
- Complete the menu for three full days of meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) to be cooked at home (include grocery list, costs, utensils/supplies needed, and preparation times)
- Report on the meals, which you have prepared both in the field and at home.
- Sustainability Merit Badge: The homework assignment (due next Monday) is:
- Review Requirement 2: Energy B or C at home with your family
- Be prepared to complete Requirement 2: Energy B or C
- Service Patrol: The Road Runners are the Service Patrol next Monday and need to arrive about 10 minutes before 7pm to set up.
March 4
- Room Change: We will meet in the Youth Room on Monday instead of Fellowship Hall (see attached map).
- Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) Meeting: We have a PLC Meeting on Monday that will start promptly at 6:30pm in the Pastor's Classroom. PLC members please plan to arrive a few minutes before 6:30pm so that we can start on time.
- Scout Sunday: This Sunday, February 23rd, Forest Hills will be conducting their annual Scout Sunday service, where they recognize the scout and scout adult leader contributions to the community. The church has asked our scouts to serve as ushers. It is important for our Troop to have a strong showing in support of Forest Hills who graciously hosts our Troop. Therefore, please let me know by this Friday, February 21st if you would be able to attend. Scouts must (and adult leaders who have them should) wear their Class A uniform and meet at the church at 9:45am on Sunday. Right now, we only have six scouts planning to attend.
- Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review: We moved these meetings from the standard first Monday this month, so Monday, March 10th is your next opportunity for a Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review. If you want to conduct one of these meetings, please let Julia Todd and me know by Monday, March 3rd. We already have two scheduled (David Windley and Luke Boyer).
- Mousetail Landing Backpack: Mr. John Ryman will be leading this trip. Attached are the trip details. By no later than Friday, February 28th, you need to let Mr. Ryman ( know:
- If you plan to go on the backpack (parent and scout)
- If you can drive
- If you can drive, how many passengers (excluding yourself and your son(s) you can take.
- Cooking Merit Badge: We will not have the cooking merit badge class again until Monday, March 10th. Your assignment (due Monday, March 10th) is to:
- Complete the menu for three full days of meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) to be cooked at home (include grocery list, costs, utensils/supplies needed, and preparation times)
- Report on the meals, which you have prepared both in the field and at home.
- Sustainability Merit Badge: Mr. Mark Bixler would like to have 2-3 parents join the Sustainability class on Monday, so please let him know if you can participate. The homework assignments (due Monday, February 24th) are available on the sustainability merit badge page HERE.